Being a Champion is a stepping stone to being successful. Before we can truly be a Champion we have to understand what a Champion is, how we get there and how we stay there. Come along with us now and see what we think is the make up of a true Champion! ned & cheryl
Let us begin by breaking down the word Champion and look at each letter and what we perceive each to mean using Webster's Dictonary and then our own comments.
- C- charisma; The personal quality of leadership arousing popular loyalty or enthusiasm in others.... Become the type of person that inspires greatness around you. Be the role model of your TEAM.
- H- humility; The quality or state of being humble.... Being humble is a trait that can be learned if one doesn't have it already built in. Giving and receiving complements are somtimes uncomfortable for most. Aways give credit where credit is due.
- A- adaptability; Being able to make suitable or to fit to different conditions, adjust, to accommodate, to conform. This is a skill that will take your business to places you had only dreamed of. Thinking on your feet and being open to new ideas and implementing them into your game plan is one key to a successful business.
- M- modesty; The quality or state of being modest; that lowly temper which accompanies a moderate estimate of one's own worth and importance; absence of self-assertion, arrogance, and presumttion; humility respecting one's own merit. This trait like humility for some people has to be learned. Reading the books and lessons we have with our program really gives us an edge here!
- P- passion; Strong feeling, emotion of affection or enthusiasm. This trait you will feel it when it is around. The passion of those on your team and those you look to for leadership. Passion is evident, it can not be misunderstood it is there and clear as a bell. You have to be passionate in everything you do if you are to be successful in it. Cheryl and I have a huge PASSION for people and Success University.
- I- integrity; State or quality of being entire or complete; wholeness;entireness; unbroken state of Moral Soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive. This trait is a must with us. You may fool someone once, but not often will you fool someone on this trait twice. It speaks for itself. Walk the walk here and lead by example. Something we have learned is, never ask someone to do something you aren't doing and if you say you are going to do it, DO IT! If you are wrong admit it and admit it to that person you wronged. We all make mistakes, mistakes can be forgiven, lack of integrity can not.
- O- optimist; One who holds the opinion that all events are ordered for the best, one who looks on the bright side of things, or takes hopful views. We are optimistic at all times. You know, you will find in anything what you look for in it..If you look for the negative, guess what? That is what you'll find. I look at every situation in a positve light and look for the ways to make it better!
- N- nurture; Training, upbringing, the influences that modify the expression of an individual's heredity, make up and being. You have the ability to re-invent yourself on a consistant basis. Good stuff in your mind and good stuff comes out your mouth! Constantly nurture you abilty to learn and improve and practice those lessons until they become habits.
- S-selfless; Unselfish..Taking one's ambitions aside and focusing on helping others obtain their desires. Zig Ziglar say's it best. You want to get somewhere in life, help a good many people get what they want in life and you will automatically get your reward. Put your focus on your TEAM, keep it there, watch what happens!!
Champions are Champions because they never quit, they have tenacity and perserverance. They strive to arrive!
Being a Champion is not necessarily winning the race, it's finishing the race that makes you a CHAMPION!
Let's win BIG together!
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