Sunday, November 20, 2005













Here are 5 simple reasons most people will never get rich
and how to make sure you do:

Reason #1 - Waiting to start:

Most people don't want to wait for success. But, at the
same time, they are willing to wait before getting started
on the road to success.

Do you see the problem here?

The longer you wait to get started, the longer it will be
before you get the money, success, and lifestyle you want.

Many people are waiting for everything to be perfect
before they get going. Therefore, they never get going
and never get the rewards.

No race has ever been won (or even finished) by someone
who never left the starting line.

Don't wait to get going. Start today on the road to

Reason #2 - Being financially illiterate:

The cornerstone of all wealth is understanding the
difference between assets and liabilities.

The difference is this: Assets put money IN your pocket.
Liabilities take money OUT of your pocket.

Most people think their home, car, and other possessions
are assets.

But, the truth is that in most cases those things take
money out of your pocket. They COST you money. They
don't MAKE you money.

Therefore, by the true definition above, those
things are liabilities.

They take money OUT of your pocket each month.

When you have more money coming IN from real assets than
you have going OUT to pay for liabilities, you will be
financially successful and truly free.

There is only one way to do this. Which brings us to...

Reason #3 - Focusing on linear income instead of
passive income:

One of the millionaires I interviewed said it simply. He
said, "if you're not making money 24 hours/day (even while
you're sleeping), you'll never be rich."

Linear income is what you get from a job. You work for an
hour and get paid only one time for that one-hour's work,
and that's it.

Passive income is when you work once but continue to get
paid over and over again from work you're no longer doing.
Investing in or creating true assets that provide passive
income for you is your ticket to wealth:

Reason #4 - Not understanding or using systems for
making money:

A system for making money is anything that allows you to
make money without your own effort. In other words, it's
an automated way to make money.

All true assets are simply "systems" of one sort or
another. Once you create or invest in a proven system for making
money, there is no limit to the money you can make.

Becoming a master of money systems can bring you riches
beyond your dreams.

Reason #5 - Not being persistent or patient:

To finish any race you have to leave the starting line and
follow through to the finish line.

Most people create their own failure by either not
getting started or not following through, or both.

To get rich, successful, and happy you must have the
patience and persistence to cross the finish line. You
must not only get started, but also follow through.

This may sound obvious, but it's still the cause of most failure.

Only by joining the small percentage of people who are
willing to do the 5 things mentioned above will you have
the greatest chances for wealth and success. unk

It's really quite simple...Decide to do these things and
you can get rich too. If you don't do them, then like most
people you may never get rich.

Decide now to master the ideas mentioned above and begin
your road to success now. Then follow through and watch
the difference it makes.

1) Sponsor someone every day, I do, ME!!

2) Invest in your Business, a true Asset!

3) Work with those you bring into the business, get those
Residual Training Sales!

4) Use an Automated Marketing System, it works 24 hours/day
(even while you're sleeping)! Check out

5) Keep Moving Forward, every day!

6) There is only ONE way to fail in this business!
And that is to QUIT!
Winner's NEVER QUIT, and Quitter's NEVER WIN.

Successful people make up their minds QUICKLY,
and change them SLOWLY
Unsuccessful people make up their minds SLOWLY
and change them QUICKLY!

Complacency is a DANGEROUS place to be!

Constantly improve yourself. Read at least 20 minutes
every day. Read Self-Improvement books and above all
Read the "Good Book"! nedrae


FOUR guiding principles:

1. Everyone makes a difference.
2. Success is built on relationships.
3. You must continually create value for others.
4. You can reinvent yourself regularly.

1.Everyone Makes A Difference.

Have a passion for significance. Make a difference.
There are no unimportant jobs. Just people who feel
unimportant in their jobs. When you don't see much
meaning in what you do, you don't bring much value
to what you do. Everyone wants to count, to know
that what he or she does each day isn't simply a means
of making a living, but "a living of making meaning."
Of adding value.Inspired people often do inspired work.
Passionate people in an organization do ordinary things
extraordinarily well.
Remember: Downlines don't have relationships with
organizations, they form relationships with individuals.
Here are two question to ask yourself:
* What kind of difference did you make today?
* What kind of difference are you making with your life?

2. Success Is Built On Relationships.

Take the time to understand your team members and
downline. Get to know their needs and preferences.
Then use that information to provide better service
than they had ever received before.
People aren't a means to an end, use relationships with
people to build a foundation for success. Strong relationships
create loyalty and are the basis of partnerships and
teamwork. The quality of a relationship is directly related
to the amount of time invested.

Remember: Indifferent people deliver impersonal service
As you analyze your relationships think of the 80/20 rule.
Twenty percent of your relationships will give you 80% of
your enjoyment, pleasure and value.
In reality, the numbers probably work out this way:
Five percent of your relationships will give you 95% of
your enjoyment, pleasure and value.
Spend your entire life looking for people who you
like, and who like you, and you'll have a wonderful
business, career and life.

3.You Must Continually Create Value For Others.

Create value for your team members and downlines.
Your upline Your colleagues and coworkers. Your significant
other, family and friends.
When you need to solve a problem - even if you weren't
responsible for the problem - spend more time thinking
and planning. Think 80/20 again.
It's far too easy to tackle a problem without giving it
adequate thought. Instead spend 80 percent of your
time thinking and analyzing the problem 'before' you initiate
any action and you'll solve the problem in less time, with
less effort, and include your TEAM in the solving process
Spend more time thinking, and you will turn ordinary
ideas into ones of great value. Have a BIG mission.

4.You Can Reinvent Yourself Regularly.

Reinvention is positive change. As you go through life,
compare yourself against your potential. Not against others.
Compare your performance against the job you 'could'
have done, not what someone else did.
Benchmark where you are, against how far you've
come, and where you want to go. It's a lot more productive
- and fun - to compare and compete against yourself.
The goal is ongoing improvement. In order to reinvent
yourself and improve for the future, you must spend time
reflecting on the past .
Here are five questions to ask yourself:
* What are the most important lessons you've learned?
* What did you once deeply desire to accomplish
that you never attempted?
* Which people most shaped your life, and what
did you learn from them?
* Whom do you admire most?
* Which of their skills and characteristics would you like
to develop in your life?

Focus On What You GiveYour life will be more joyful -
and successful - when you focus on what you give rather
than on what you get. Do the right thing for the right reason,
because it is the right thing to do.

When your motive for doing something is to receive
thanks or praise, you'll often be disappointed. When you
do the right thing, knowing that the doing is its own reward,
you'll be fulfilled whether or not you get recognition from others.
Remember: Service isn't an obligation, but an opportunity.
Being helpful is more fun than being helped.


Saturday, November 19, 2005


Universal LawHave you ever had “one of those days” when absolutely
everything goes wrong? Have you ever wondered why some
people are successful, while others spend their entire lives
struggling? Do you ever get the feeling that someone is out
to get you because everything you touch goes wrong?

If you’re like most people, these thoughts do occur to you
from time to time. But what is the answer to these
questions? Is it a question of luck, could it be fate or is
there something else going on here of which most people are

The answer is both all around us and within us, and is
called Universal Law. Just like there are Natural Laws that
govern nature (such as gravity), there are other Laws which
govern all that happens in the universe. From the spiritual
to the physical to the mental, everything that happens does
so according to Law.

You see, the Universe around us is a very orderly place in
which nothing occurs by chance. Even though one cannot see
the Laws, or hear them, smell them or taste them, they are
there. They apply to everything and everyone – nothing is
exempt. Whether one is aware of these Laws or not, they
still apply - just like the Law of Gravity. Even though one
may not be aware of or understand Gravity, it always works.
No matter who you are, if you decide to step off the top of
a tall building, you will fall at an increasing rate of
speed until you reach terminal velocity or until you impact
the ground.

So what are these Laws and how do they work? There are
literally dozens of Universal Laws that exist, but for ease
of understanding, they can be distilled down to a mainseven:

1. Law of Control
2. Law of Accident
3. Law of Cause & Effect
4. Law of Belief
5. Law of Expectation
6. Law of Attraction
7. Law of Correspondence

From these seven, everything else flows. The beauty of the
Laws is that once one understands and lives in accordance
with them, life becomes extremely simple.

Law of Control

The Law of Control simply states that we have high self-esteem
and feel good about ourselves to the exact degree
that we feel we are in control of our lives. Unfortunately,
the majority of the population does not live according to
the Law of Control, but rather by its inverse, the Law of
Accident. The truth of the matter is that every one of us is
in total control of our life, but until an individual takes
the step to determine that they are personally responsible
for what happens to them, then they cannot help but live by

Law of Accident

This Law states that we feel badly about ourselves and have
low self-esteem to the degree that we feel events and
circumstances control our lives. In other words, we are the
victims of whatever else happens around us. If good things
happen, then we benefit, but if bad things happen, we play
the victim. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the world's
population live under this very dangerous and mostunem
powering belief.

Law of Cause & Effect

This Law is also known as the Iron Law of Human Destiny
because it is so profound and powerful. Simply stated, the
Law of Cause & Effect says that everything happens for a
reason. All actions have consequences, as do all inactions.
Distilled down to the simplest possible terms, this law
states that for every effect in one’s life, there is a
specific cause. The law can also be applied in the physical
sense through examination of Sir Isaac Newton’s third Law of
Motion, which states that “for every action, there is an
equal and opposite reaction.” If, for example, you were to
hold your hand over a candle’s flame (the cause) the effect
would be that your hand would burn and it would hurt!

The truly wonderful thing about this law is that by
definition then, we should be able to manifest that which we
truly want (the effect), simply by exerting the same causes
that others before us have exerted and been successful.

Law of Belief

The Law of Belief states that whatever you believe with
feeling and conviction becomes your reality. It is not until
you change your beliefs that you can begin to change your
reality, performance and outcomes.

You have heard the doubters and the naysayers out there who
always proclaim “I’ll believe it when I see it!” In reality,
it is the other way around; it is not until you believe it,
that you will see it (no matter what “it” is)!

Self-limiting beliefs are perhaps the most detrimental of
all thoughts, since they absolutely will keep you from the
success that you may want, but don’t believe you can attain.
There is an old saying that goes ”whether you think you can
or you can’t, your right!” This saying is completely
congruent with the Law of Belief.

Law of Expectation

Simply stated, the Law of Expectation tells us that whatever
one expects, with confidence, becomes a self-fulfilling
prophecy. When one expects with confidence that good things
will happen, they usually will. If, on the other hand, one
expects a negative outcome to a situation, then the outcome
will usually be negative.

Our expectations play a key role in our own outcomes and
they also have a remarkable effect on the people around us.
What we expect from those around us determines our attitude
toward them more than any other factor. In turn, the people
around us tend to reflect our attitudes right back at us -
whether the expectations and attitudes are positive or
negative, good or bad.

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lives,
that which we focus our thoughts upon. If our thoughts are
constantly on positive outcomes and good results, then that
is what we will manifest. If, on the other hand, our
predominant thoughts are on negative outcomes and poor
results, then that is what we will attract. This is based on
the fact that the Universe is simply vibrational energy in
motion. Emotions, thoughts, feelings and objects –
absolutely everything - has a vibrational frequency. Since
like attracts like, it is only logical that the vibrational
frequency of your predominant thoughts will attract results
that have a similar vibrational frequency. We know that
emotions which are love-based (love, desire, happiness,
wonder, joy etc.) have a very high vibrational frequency,
whereas emotions that are fear-based (anger, hatred,
intolerance, fear, sadness etc.) vibrate at a very low

Law of Correspondence

“As within, so without” is an old saying that perfectly
describes the Law of Correspondence. This simply means that
what happens on the outside is merely a reflection of what
is happening on the inside. Your outer world is a reflection
of your inner world. An individual that is unhappy and
living in conflict with themselves, will always exhibit
negative behaviors on the outside. Sometimes these negative
behaviors and thoughts can be masked, but the true feelings
will eventually reveal themselves. Everything in our lives
is a mirror of what is happening within us, be it financial,
relationships or health. If you want to make your outside
life better, the only way to accomplish this is to change
what is happening on the inside.

In order to live the successful, happy life we all deserve,
it is necessary to understand and live by Universal Law. The
best way to do this is to first and foremost, take control
over your thoughts and to stay in the present moment. Ask
yourself constantly; "What am I thinking about right now?"
If the answer is something negative, then take the
opportunity to change your thoughts. This will start to put
you back in control of your life which is the first step to
lasting happiness and peace of mind!==============================================

About the Author:
Tony Davies, Ontario, Canada