Sunday, December 31, 2006


Posted by Picasa I have heard many stories along this road to
success in Network Marketing.
You know the ones or know someone who has!
"Well it looks good in all, but I got a friend whose
one eyed grandmas cousin's wifes
brother- in-law's brother did one of those and it didn't work!"
Comical yes but oh it's so true you'll hear stories
just like that. I have to ask this;
Why would someone base their reality on someone else's experience or failure? I got
successful by taking the advise of someone that has been successful! Makes sense to me!!

Here is an EXCELLENT video about Network Marketing.
This video is one of the coolest and coherent explanations of what Network Marketing as a business is all about, the best that I
have ever seen!

Check it out HERE

"If you take risks, you may still fail.
But if you do not take risks, you will surely fail.
The greatest risk of all is to do nothing."
Roberto C. Goizueta (1931-1997)

Cuban-American businessman former CEO, Coca-Cola Co.

Have you heard about the Turtle on the Fence Post?

TEAM, here we are in late July already! Seems the older we get the faster the time goes by. Why is that? Well I think maybe it’s because we have reached that platform in our lives and careers that we know how to separate the good stuff from the junk and just focus on the good stuff. Being more productive in our lives really consumes idle time. Odd how that works!!

We are excited about what is manifesting all around us with Success University! Every month is a record breaking month. We are experiencing a 20% increase in growth on a monthly basis and more checks are going out the door each month and that excites Cheryl and me.

Our corporate office and CEO Matt Morris is constantly looking and finding the ways to enhance our program for the students. Bringing on a Director of Dynamic Development, Scott McClure was a huge asset for us all and now bringing on Scott Dennison as Director of Education is going to really push us towards critical mass or momentum! I am sure it isn’t stopping there as I know there are some really great things coming down the pike in the next several months so get in the habit of checking your In Box.

So what are we doing to make sure we get our piece of this great pie? We often come into a program and its kind of like the old country story about the “Fence Turtle”. Don’t tell me you never heard that one!! Well here goes …

I was walking down a country road when I came up to an intersection in the road. As I looked in all ways to see which direction was the best direction for my life, I happened to notice a turtle sitting on a fence post. There was no one around for miles. It was apparent to me that one, he didn’t get there by himself! Two, now that he was there, what was he going to do?? And three, I knew he was going to need help to get down from there!

That story reminds me of how we are in our business. And what our roles are.
We didn’t get here by ourselves. We were introduced to the program by someone or something.
So now we find ourselves on the fence post. What are we to do now? There are a number of solutions and systems in place to help with that. Seven Point Check List in your Learning Center, Boot Camp Trainings in your email from Corporate, a host of training calls now available and more coming!!

You have your upline coach or mentor to help you off the fence post. That is what they are there for. They have a vested interest in your success. Your success is their success. Some of you have upline leaders that are hard to contact for what ever the reason, keep going up until you find someone.

Your success in all of our success, don’t sit on a fence post let someone help you down.
I once read these words of wisdom and they have rung true in our success.
“No one has a corner on success. Pay the price for it and it’s yours. No matter what you want from life you’ve got to give up something to get it. Nothing worthwhile will come easily to you. Hard work will accomplish results that last. There is no easy road to success. You’ve got to work a great deal harder than most people to get it. There is no success at bargain basement prices. The highway to success is a toll road.”

These words ring true ladies and gentlemen. They are the rules of Success, the road map, the philosophy of what we have to do to get there. If it is to be it is up to me. I am responsible for my success, not my upline, not my downline, me and only me.

Plug in to the calls and seek out the necessary help! We did and you can too!

Tuesday evenings at 7PM Central; Daegan Smith, Internet Marketing Training call;

Saturday morning at 11AM Central; Cheryl and Ned Rae, First Things First Fast Start Training call;

Sunday afternoon at 4PM Central; Julie and Chris Chojnowski, Quick Start Guide to Success.

Friday, December 29, 2006


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FOUR guiding principles:
1. Everyone makes a difference.
2. Success is built on relationships.
3. You must continually create value for others.
4. You can reinvent yourself regularly.

1. Everyone Makes A Difference.

Have a passion for significance. Make a difference.
There are no unimportant jobs. Just people who feel unimportant in their jobs. When you don't see much meaning in what you do, you don't bring much value to what you do.
Everyone wants to count, to know that what he or she does each day isn't simply a means of making a living, but "a living of making meaning." Of adding value.
Inspired people often do inspired work. Passionate people in an organization do ordinary things extraordinarily well.
Remember: Downlines don't have relationships with organizations, they form relationships with individuals.
Here are two question to ask yourself:
* What kind of difference did you make today? * What kind of difference are you making with your life?

2. Success Is Built On Relationships.

Take the time to understand your team members and downline. Get to know their needs and preferences. Then use that information to provide better service than they had ever received before.
People aren't a means to an end, use relationships with people to build a foundation for success. Strong relationships create loyalty and are the basis of partnerships and teamwork. The quality of a relationship is directly related to the amount of time invested.
Remember: Indifferent people deliver impersonal service
As you analyze your relationships think of the 80/20 rule. Twenty percent of your relationships will give you 80% of your enjoyment, pleasure and value.
In reality, the numbers probably work out this way: Five percent of your relationships will give you 95% of your enjoyment, pleasure and value.
Spend your entire life looking for people who you like, and who like you, and you'll have a wonderful business, career and life.

3. You Must Continually Create Value For Others.

Create value for your team members and downlines. Your upline Your colleagues and coworkers. Your significant other, family and friends.
When you need to solve a problem - even if you weren't responsible for the problem - spend more time thinking and planning. Think 80/20 again.
It's far too easy to tackle a problem without giving it adequate thought. Instead spend 80 percent of your time thinking and analyzing the problem 'before' you initiate any action and you'll solve the problem in less time, with less effort, and include your TEAM in the solving process {RELATIONSHIPS}.
Spend more time thinking, and you will turn ordinary ideas into ones of great value. Have a BIG mission.

4. You Can Reinvent Yourself Regularly.

Reinvention is positive change. As you go through life, compare yourself against your potential. Not against others.
Compare your performance against the job you 'could' have done, not what someone else did.
Benchmark where you are, against how far you've come, and where you want to go. It's a lot more productive - and fun - to compare and compete against yourself.
The goal is ongoing improvement. In order to reinvent yourself and improve for the future, you must spend time reflecting on the past .
Here are five questions to ask yourself:
* What are the most important lessons you've learned?
* What did you once deeply desire to accomplish that you never attempted?
* Which people most shaped your life, and what did you learn from them?
* Whom do you admire most?
* Which of their skills and characteristics would you like to develop in your life?

Focus On What You GiveYour life will be more joyful - and successful - when you focus on what you give rather than on what you get. Do the right thing for the right reason, because it is the right thing to do.

When your motive for doing something is to receive thanks or praise, you'll often be disappointed. When you do the right thing, knowing that the doing is its own reward, you'll be fulfilled whether or not you get recognition from others.
Remember: Service isn't an obligation, but an opportunity. Being helpful is more fun than being helped.